ANSI ASSP A10.37-2016 pdf download

ANSI ASSP A10.37-2016 pdf download

ANSI ASSP A10.37-2016 pdf download.American National Standard Construction and Demolition Operations
3.2 A competent person shall inspect each construction and demolition project, and deteriorating structure, where the potential for falling debris exists and threatens persons or property. Using Section 5, “Debris Net Selection”, the competent person shall determine the proper type of debris net system(s) required to provide protection for persons and property below.
3.3 The competent person is respon- sible for assuring that the debris net system(s) specified are ordered and delivered to the job site, inspected for damage and compliance with the specifica- tions, and erected and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and this standard.
3.4 The competent person shall not permit any work to proceed which could result in falling debris until the specified debris net system(s) are properly installed and tested.
3.5 The public and employees shall be warned of the danger from falling debris, and excluded as much as possible from beneath areas where debris may fall, even though protected by properly installed debris net systems. In no event shall the public or employees be allowed beneath unprotected areas.
6.1 This standard is not intended to limit net design or construction in terms of specific materials, minimum component sizes or strength, or mandatory mesh configuration. Rather, manufacturers are encouraged to provide debris net designs which exceed the minimum performance requirements of this standard.
6.2 Debris nets used as liners on top of personnel nets shall not compromise the design, construction and performance of the personnel net. The personnel net shall conform in all respects to the requirements of ANSI/ASSE A1 0.1 1 .
6.3 The debris net system shall be designed to capture falling debris and prevent excessive bounce which could cause the debris to exit the net.
6.4 Nets shall be installed in accordance with the net manufacturers’ specifications and instructions. The support hardware and the anchorage points shall be designed to develop the full strength of the netting system or shall be tested in place to 1 .25 times the greatest potential load.
8.1 The manufacturer shall certify that they have successfully performed the qualification test described in 8.2 and 8.3 on a net of identical material and construction to the debris net furnished for the job. The manufacturer shall maintain the written qualification test records which substantiate the conformance to the requirements of this standard.
8.2 The impact resistance of the net shall be such that it will absorb three drops of the test weight described in 8.2.4. There shall be no broken strands or significant distortion of the net pattern at the end of the third drop. The test procedure shall be outlined in 8.2.1 through 8.2.5.
9.3 In cases where there is no possibility for personnel to fall into the net, the test shall consist of dropping a cylindrical bag of sand weighing at least 1 .25 times the rated capacity of the net into the center of the net. The length of the test weight shall be twice the diameter (+/- 2%). A tag line of sufficient strength shall be attached to the test weight to prevent it from falling to the surface below should it penetrate the net. The tag line shall not reduce the impact of the test weight into the net.
10.2 When debris nets are used in combination or as liners, the lighter rated net shall be secured to the impact side and cover all of that portion of the heavier rated net, where the debris is expected. The heavier rated net shall be attached to the supporting structure in accordance with the manu- facturer’s suggestions.
10.3 Where there is any possibility of personnel falling into debris nets, they shall be installed in accordance with ANSI/ASSE A1 0.1 1 .
10.4 Debris net systems shall be installed as closely as possible underneath or around the locations from which debris is likely to fall, preferably in physical contact with the structure.ANSI ASSP A10.37-2016 pdf download

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