ANSI ASSP A10.33-2011 pdf download

ANSI ASSP A10.33-2011 pdf download

ANSI ASSP A10.33-2011 pdf download.Safety and Health Program Requirements for Multi-Employer Projects
3.2 Responsibilities and Authority.
3.2.1 Owner Responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the project constructor, through the owner’s designated safety representative, to hold parties accountable, including the owner, that work on the project will be implemented following this standard.
3.2.2 Evaluation of Contractor Qualifications. The owner or project constructor through their designated safety representative(s) shall develop and implement a system to evaluate bidders’ past safety and health performance. The evaluation shall include a copy of the proposed safety and health plan and pre-task planning. The evaluation shall include a written review of the bidder’s past safety and health performance. In instances where an owner chooses to contract with a bidder who fails to meet the owner’s criteria, the owner shall require special plans to ensure improved project safety and health performance. Such actions may include requirements for a qualified safety and health professional, enhanced training and/or more frequent inspections. This project safety and health plan shall be submitted to the owner for review by the owners’ designated safety and health representative to ensure it meets regulatory and best industry practices for safety and health. The review shall be documented in writing. See non-mandatory Appendices A through E for sample forms and a program. The owner’s designated safety representative shall review the plan and certify in writing to the owner that the plan is adequate for the work to be performed and meets company and other regulatory requirements. All changes to the plan shall be reviewed by the owner’s designated safety representative and notice shall be pro- vided to the owner and applicable contractor in writing if the changes would fail to provide adequate protections for employees working on the project. The plan shall be accepted by the owner and constructor when it is adequate for the work to be performed. The plan shall be rejected if the changes would fail to provide adequate protections for the employees on the project. 3.2.4 The plan shall be made readily accessible to all construction workers on the project. 3.2.5 Other contractors or personnel under the control of the owner working on the project, but not under the control of the project constructor, shall follow the minimum the rules set forth in the project safety and health plan.
3.6.1 All imminent danger conditions shall be immediately reported in writing to the senior project supervisor along with any actions taken by the competent person, supervisors, crew leaders, foremen or contractor to control or abate the hazard. Work shall immediately stop at the location until the hazard(s) are corrected.
3.6.2 Written reports describing non- compliance with the safety and health standards or the project safety and health plan shall be submitted to the senior project supervisor, who will assign this to the responsible contractor(s) or lower tier con- tractors for immediate correction. The project constructor shall establish a procedure for receiving these reports from affected contractors or lower tier contractors.
3.6.3 Where hazardous conditions are not corrected in a timely manner, the senior project supervisor shall report the hazardous conditions to the owner or owner’s desig- nated safety representative. The project owner shall obtain written confirmation from the owner’s or project constructor’s safety representative that a plan has been developed by the project constructor that provides immediate protection for employees on the project.
3.7.1 When the senior project supervisor or their designee or the owner’s designated safety representative determines that a contractor has established a pattern of non- compliance with the project safety and health plan and/or laws and regulations, the owner, project constructor or contractor shall note these deficiencies in writing and develop or re-evaluate and revise the contractor’s safely and health plan, detailing the procedures to correct and prevent future occurrences of non-compliance.ANSI ASSP A10.33-2011 pdf download

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