ANSI SCTE 24-7-2016 pdf download

ANSI SCTE 24-7-2016 pdf download

ANSI SCTE 24-7-2016 pdf download.Media Terminal Adapter (MTA) Management Information Base (MIB) Requirements
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreement based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents listed below. References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies.
“This object indicates the completion state of the MTA device provisioning process. pass: If the configuration file could be parsed successfully and the MTA is able to reflect the same in its MIB, the MTA MUST return the value ‘ pass’ . inProgress: If the MTA is in the process of being provisioned, the MTA MUST return the value ‘ inProgress’ . failConfigFileError: If the configuration file was in error due to incorrect values in the mandatory parameters, the MTA MUST reject the configuration file and the MTA MUST return the value ‘ failConfigFileError’ . passWithWarnings: If the configuration file had proper values for all the mandatory parameters but has errors in any of the optional parameters (this includes any vendor specific OIDs which are incorrect or not known to the MTA) , the MTA MUST return the value ‘ passWithWarnings’ . passWithIncompleteParsing: If the configuration file is valid, but the MTA cannot reflect the same in its configuration (for example, too many entries caused memory exhaustion) , it must accept the CMS configuration entries related and the MTA MUST return the value ‘ passWithIncompleteParsing’ . failureInternalError: If the configuration file cannot be parsed due to an internal error, the MTA MUST return the value ‘ failureInternalError’ . failureOtherReason: If the MTA cannot accept the configuration file for any other reason than the ones stated above, the MTA MUST return the value ‘ failureOtherReason’ . When a final SNMP INFORM is sent as part of Step 25 of the MTA Provisioning process, this parameter is also included in the final INFORM message. ”
“This object defines the time interval for the provisioning flow to complete. The MTA MUST finish all provisioning operations starting from the moment when an MTA receives its DHCP ACK and ending at the moment when the MTA downloads its configuration file (e. g. , MTA5 to MTA23 for Secure Flow) within the period of time set by this object. Failure to comply with this condition constitutes the provisioning flow failure. If the object is set to 0, the MTA MUST ignore the provisioning timer condition. ”
“If pktcMtaDevProvisioningState is reported with anything other than a pass(1) then this table is populated with the necessary information, each pertaining to observations of the configuration file. Even if different parameters share the same error ( Ex: All Realm Names are invalid ) , all recognized errors must be reported as different
The MTA MUST return a string descriptive of the current software load. This object should use the syntax defined by the individual vendor to identify the software version. The data presented in this object MUST be identical with the software version information contained in the sysDescr MIB Object of the MTA. The value of this object MUST be identical to the value specified in DHCP option 43 sub-option 6. ”
“This object specifies the MTA device configuration file information, including the access method, the server name and the configuration file name. The value of this object is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the configuration file for TFTP or HTTP download. If this object value is a TFTP URL, it must be formatted as defined in RFC 3617. If this object value is an HTTP URL, it must be formatted as defined in RFC 2616. If the MTA SNMP Enrollment mechanism is used, then the MTA must download the file provided by the Provisioning Server during provisioning via an SNMP SET on this object. If the MTA SNMP Enrollment mechanism is not used, this object MUST contain the URL value corresponding to the ‘ siaddr’ and ‘ file’ fields received in the DHCP ACK to locate the configuration file: the ‘ siaddr’ & ‘ file’ fields represents the host and file of the TFTP URL. In this case, the MTA MUST return an ‘ inconsistentValue’ error in response to SNMP SET operations. The MTA MUST return a zero-length string if the server address (host part of the URL) is unknown. “ANSI SCTE 24-7-2016 pdf download

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