ANSI ASHRAE ASHE 170-2021 pdf download

ANSI ASHRAE ASHE 170-2021 pdf download

ANSI ASHRAE ASHE 170-2021 pdf download.Ventilation of Health Care Facilities
absorption distance: the distance downstream of a humidifier required for all moisture to be absorbed into the airstream. addition: an extension or increase in floor area or height of a building, building system, or equipment. airborne infection isolation (AII): the isolation of patients infected with organisms spread by airborne droplet nuclei less than 5 µm in diameter. For the purposes of this standard, the abbre- viation “AII” refers to the room that provides isolation. (Informative Note: See FGI [2018a, 2018b, 2018c], CDC [2003], and CDC [2005] in Informative Appendix E.) airborne infection isolation (AII) room: a room that is designed according to the requirements of this standard and that is intended to provide airborne infection isolation. alteration: a significant change in the function or size of a space, in the use of its systems, or in the use of its equipment, either through rearrangement, replacement, or addition. Routine maintenance and service shall not constitute an alteration. authority having jurisdiction (AHJ): the agent or agency responsible for enforcing this stan- dard. average velocity: the volumetric flow rate obtained by dividing the air quantity issuing from an air distribution device by the nominal face area of the device. building: a structure that is wholly or partially enclosed within exterior walls and a roof, or within exterior and party walls and a roof, and that affords shelter to persons, animals, or property. In this standard, a building is a structure intended for use as a hospital or health care facility.
Class 1 imaging room: diagnostic radiography, fluoroscopy, mammography, computed tomog- raphy (CT), ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, and other imaging modalities, including services that use natural orifice entry and do not pierce or pene- trate natural protective membranes. Class 2 imaging room: diagnostic and therapeutic procedures such as coronary, neurological, or peripheral angiography, including electrophysiology, cardiac catheterization, and interven- tional angiography and similar procedures. Class 3 imaging room: invasive procedures including cardiac stenting, implantation of devices in an invasive fluoroscopy, and any other Class 2 procedure during which the patient will require physiological monitoring and is anticipated to require active life support. equipment: devices for heating, ventilating, and/or air conditioning, including but not limited to furnaces, boilers, air conditioners, heat pumps, chillers, and heat exchangers. essential accessories: those components of a system, required to allow proper operation of that system, that are reasonably subject to mechanical failure (e.g., pumps, fans, control air com- pressors). Humidifiers, controls, and tanks are not included in this definition.
infection control risk assessment (ICRA): a determination of the potential risk of transmission of various infectious agents in the facility, a classification of those risks, and a list of required practices for mitigating those risks during construction or renovation. inpatient: a patient whose stay at the health care facility is anticipated to require twenty-four hours or more of patient care. invasive fluoroscopy: therapeutic or diagnostic invasive procedures that require fluoroscopic imaging (e.g., cardiac catheterization, interventional angiography, cardiac stenting, or implan- tation of devices). (Informative Note: These procedures are typically performed in a restricted or semirestricted area based on the classification of the imaging procedure being performed. Refer also to Class 2 imaging room for cardiac catheterization or interventional angiography and Class 3 imaging room for cardiac stenting or implantation of devices.)ANSI ASHRAE ASHE 170-2021 pdf download

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