ANSI SCTE 85-4-2017 pdf download

ANSI SCTE 85-4-2017 pdf download

ANSI SCTE 85-4-2017 pdf download.HMS Common Inside Plant Management Information Base(MIB) SCTE-HMS-HE-OPTICAL-SWITCH-MIB
This MIB module is for representing optical switch equipment present in the headend (or indoor) and is supported by a SNMP agent. This MIB is limited in its scope and intended to describe an A-B (2 input and 1 output) or a crossbar optical switch. Up to 2 optical inputs and 2 outputs are supported. Any devices with more than 2 optical inputs or outputs shall be covered by another MIB. This MIB does not intend to dictate all of the nuances involved in changing control settings (automatic or manual mode, changing switch controls in each possible mode combination). The most common desired behaviors are noted but specific switch operation and behavior are left to the optical switch vendors. Not all control enumerations must be supported. This is noted in the variables that have optional enumerations. Refer to the associated notes for information on what SNMP responses should be returned for unsupported enumerations.”
Thus, an A-B optical switch (2 optical inputs and one optical output) will be represented by one row in entPhysicalTable, one row in heCommonTable, one row in heOpSwitchUnitTable, two rows in heOpSw itchInputTable and one row in heOpSwitchOutputTable. . Additionally, a crossbar optical switch (2 inputs and 2 outputs) will be represented by one row in entPhysicalTable, one row in heCommonTable, one row in heOpSwitchUnitTable, two rows , in heOpSwitchInputTable and two rows in heOpSwitchOutputTable. Correlation of outputs and inputs are indicated by the heOpSwitchState variable. Correlation of physical inputs and outputs to heOpSwitchInputTable and heOpSwitchOutputTables rows is indicated by the heOpSwitchInputDescription and heOpSwitchOutputDescription variables.
Not all enumerations must be supported. For example, an A-B optical switch may support only the pathA and pathB enumerations while a cross-bar switch may support cross, bar, bothA or bothB or only cross and bar but not pathA and pathB enumerations. See the note below about the expected SNMP response.
A value pathA(1) connects the switch output to side A (first input) of the switch. This enumeration is intended for use by an A-B switch. A value pathB(2) connects the switch output to side B (second input) of the switch. This enumeration is intended for use by an A-B switch. A value cross(3) connects the switch outputs to the inputs as follows: Side A (first or primary) output is connected to side B (second or alternate) input. Side B (second or alternate) output is connected to side A (first or primary) input. This enumeration is intended for use by a cross-bar switch. A value bar(4) connects the switch outputs to the inputs as follows: Side A (first or primary) output is connected to side A (first or primary) input. Side B (second or alternate) output is connected to side B (second or alternate) input. This enumeration is intended for use by a cross-bar switch. A value bothA(5) connects the switch outputs to the inputs as follows: Side A (first or primary) output is connected to side A (first or primary) input. Side B (second or alternate) output is connected to side A (first or primary) input. This enumeration is intended for use by a cross-bar switch. A value bothB(6) connects the switch outputs to the inputs as follows: Side A (first or primary) output is connected to side B (second or alternate) input. Side B (second or alternate) output is connected to side B (second or alternate) input. This enumeration is intended for use by a cross-bar switch.ANSI SCTE 85-4-2017 pdf download

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